Confidence: "With it, you can take on the world; without it, you live stuck at the starting block of your own potential."

The-Confidence-Code-by-Katty-Kay"Why is it that women sound less sure of ourselves when we know we are right than men sound when they think they could be wrong?" Katty Kay, co-author of The Confidence Code, seeks to understand why so many intelligent, capable women face so much self-doubt in the workplace.

In The Confidence Code, authors Katty Kay & Claire Shipman examine the disproportionate levels of confidence men and women experience in the workplace, why this confidence gap exists, and what women can do about it.

Taking evidence from psychologists, neurologists, animal behavior scientists, and interviews from successful women who have overcome this issue -- as well as those who still struggle with self-doubt despite their achievements -- the authors attempt to deconstruct this elusive quality and show women how they can bring more of it into their lives.

There is evidence that confidence is more important than ability when it comes to getting ahead.

When you download the Introduction of The Confidence Code, you'll read:

  • About the confidence gap between men and women, particularly in the workplace.
  • The science behind confidence: Are we born with it? Is it a learned behavior?
  • Why success correlates more closely with confidence than it does competence.
  • How you can train your brain to be more confidence-prone.

Fill out the form on this page to gain instant access to the Introduction of the inspiring and motivational book, The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. Discover how you can conquer your self-doubt and find your own path to confidence.